Bhoj Ponta
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According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Bhoj Ponta village is 057117. Bhoj Ponta village is located in Panchkula tehsil of Panchkula district in Haryana, India. It is situated 30km away from Panchkula, which is both district & sub-district headquarter of Bhoj Ponta village. As per 2009 stats, Bhoj Ponta village is also a gram panchayat.
Bhoj Ponta - Village Overview | |
Gram Panchayat : | Bhoj Ponta |
Block / Tehsil : | Morni |
District : | Panchkula |
State : | Haryana |
Pincode : | 134201 |
Area : | 309 hectares |
Population : | 572 |
Updated Population : | - |
Households : | 211 |
Assembly Constituency : | Kalka |
Parliament Constituency : | Ambala |
- Demographic
- - Total Population
- 572
- - Male
- 322
- - Female
- 250
- - Sex Ratio - Ratio of: 1000
- 89.77
- - No. of Voters
- 506
- - Updated Population
- NA
- Historical
- - History of Village
- NA
- Current Panchayat
- - Sarpanch
- Smt. Ram Payari
- 9416920196
- -Panch
- - Ward-1
- Sh Durga Chand
- 9729506880
- - Ward-1
- - Ward-2
- Smt Rekha Devi
- 8307140502
- - Ward-2
- - Ward-3
- Sh Mata Ram
- 8901494283
- - Ward-3
- - Ward-4
- Smt Santosh Devi
- 8295812521
- - Ward-4
- - Ward-5
- Sh Ramsharan
- 9467223654
- - Ward-5
- - Ward-6
- Smt. Neelam Devi
- 9416960234
- - Ward-6
- Old Panchayat Body
- NA
- Eminent Person
- - Eminent Person
- NA
- - Sports
- NA
- - Political
- NA
- - Govt. Services
- NA
- - Armed Forces/Freedom Fighters
- NA
- - Industrialist
- NA
- - NRI
- NA
- - Religious Sect Head
- NA
- Administrative Staff
- - Gram Sachiv
- Sh. Sumit Dutt
- 9467180005
- - Sarpanch
- Smt. Ram Payari
- 9416920196
- - VLDA
- NA
- - Revenue Patwari
- Sh. Amit Deshwal
- 9466555266
- - ADO
- NA
- - Forest Ranger
- Sh. Shamsher
- 9466113483
- - Asha Worker
- Shyama Devi
- 9817428356
- - Principal
- NA
- - Anganwadi Incharge
- Neeraj Kumari
- 9416679426
- - Lineman
- Kuldeep Singh
- 9812347064
- - Tubewell Operator
- Ved Parkash
- Mahesh Kumar
- Lalit Kumar
- Nand Lal
- Harpal Sharma
- Mahipal
- Rakesh Kumar
- Devender Kumar
- Anil Kumar
- Radha Krishan
- Ram Chander
- Shanti Swrup
- Pardeep Kumar
- Karam Chand
- - Chowkidar
- Sh Bachhan Singh
- - JE Panchayati Raj
- Sh.Ramesh Tandon
- 8168150593
- - JE Public Health Department
- NA
- - JE Irrigation
- NA
- Geography Of Bhoj Ponta
- - East
- Bhoj Balag
- - West
- Mashyun
- - North
- Bhoj Palasra
- - South
- Barwala
- - Water Level
- 250 Cft
- Self Help Group
- - Famous Product manufactured
- Pickle
- Youth Club
- NA
- Livestock
- - Majority Type of Animals
- Cow and Buffalo
- - Variety of animal
- Lamb and Goat
- Tourist Spot
- NA
- Agriculture
- Wheat, Rice, Tomato
- Ponds
- - Wet
- NA
- - Dry
- NA
- Streets
- - Kacchi
- NA
- - Pakki
- NA
- Land
- 1.62 Km square
- Assets
- - Community Centres
- NA
- - Choupal
- 1
- - Mahila Choupal
- NA
- - Munga Mal Dharmshala
- NA
- - Gram Sachivalya
- 1
- - Brahman Dharmshala
- NA
- - Stadium
- NA
- - Bus Stand
- NA
- - Anganwadi Centre
- 2
- Buildings
- - Community Centres
- NA
- - Choupal
- 1
- - Mahila Choupal
- NA
- - Munga Mal Dharmshala
- NA
- - Gram Sachivalya
- 1
- - Brahman Dharmshala
- NA
- - Stadium
- NA
- - Bus Stand
- NA
- - Anganwadi Centre
- 2
- Death rituals
- - Shamshanghat
- NA
- - Kabristan
- NA
- Religious Places
- - Mandir
- 2
- Shiv Shankar Mandir, Bana
- Guga Madi
- - Masjid
- NA
- - Church
- NA
- - Gurudwara
- NA
- - Khera
- 2
- Layout plans
- NA
- Stadiums
- NA
- Parks
- NA
- Gyms
- NA
- Library
- NA
- Mobile Towers
- NA
- BharatNet
- NA
- Substation (Electricity)
- NA
- Electricity Poles
- 40
- Industrial Infra
- NA
- Post offices
- NA
- Anganwadi
- - Anganwadi Incharge
- Neeraj Kumari
- 9416679426
- - Anganwadi Code
- NA
- - Anganwadi Staff
- 4
- - Anganwadi Strength
- 2
- - Anganwadi Helper
- 2
- Primary School
- 2
- Govt Primary School, Shergujjran
- Govt Primary School, Katli
- Secondary School
- NA
- Colleges
- NA
- Tuition Teachers
- NA
- NA
- University
- NA
- Coaching Centre
- NA
- Student Profile
- NA
- Type of Industries based on size
- NA
- Type of Industries based on domain / product
- NA
- Work force Type
- NA
- Hospitals
- NA
- Dispensaries
- NA
- NA
- NA
- Sub-health centres
- NA
- Facilities
- NA
- Medical stores with Timing
- NA
- Chemist shops
- NA
- Colleges
- NA
- Mal-Nutritions Data
- NA
- Pregnant Women Data
- NA
- Juvenile Committees
- NA
- Banks with branches
- NA
- ATMâs
- NA
- Financial Institutions
- NA
- Non Financial Institutions
- NA
- Business Correspondents
- NA
- Old Age Pension
- 80
- Disabled Pension
- 7
- Scholarships
- NA
- Ration Card
- 110
- BPL Card
- 50
- Chirayu Card
- 400
- ESI Card
- NA
Bio Diversity
- Flora Species
- NA
Commercial / Business
- Shops
- - General Store
- NA
- - Hardware
- NA
- - Seeds
- NA
- - Grocery
- NA
- - Textile
- NA
- Showrooms
- NA
- Warehouses
- NA
- Cold Storage
- NA
- Courier/Postal
- NA
- Resort/Hotel
- NA
Supply Chain Management
- Hafed/Other
- NA
Aquifer Information
- General Information
- - Geographical area :
- NA
- - Basin/Sub basin :
- NA
- - Principal Aquifer system :
- NA
- - Major Aquifer System :
- NA
- - Normal Annual Rainfall :
- NA
- Aquifer Disposition
- - Aquifer Disposition :
- NA
- - Status of GW Exploration :
- NA
- - Aquifer Characteristics :
- NA
- - CGWB Monitoring Status :
- NA
- - GW Quality :
- NA
- - Aquifer Potential :
- NA
- Aquifer Management Plan
- - GW Management Issues :
- NA
- - GW Resource :
- NA
- - GW Stage of Development (%) :
- NA
- - Existing and Future Water Demand :
- NA
- - GW Management Plan :
- NA
- - AR & Conservation Possibilities:
- NA