Kheri village Kheri Panchayat Raipurrani is situated in Panchkula District. People of this village are living in very peaceful manner. This village having very proud history. Agriculture is the main profession of this village. Still this village is waiting for Industrial development. Education, Drinking water, Road and Electricity are the main concern of this village. Young generation is more attracted towards mobile, Laptop and computer technology these days. If banks and finance institutions proved loan and other financial support to the villagers, this village will see the real development. Medical and health services has to be improved.
Kheri - Village Overview | |
Gram Panchayat : | Kheri |
Block / Tehsil : | Raipur Rani |
District : | Panchkula |
State : | Haryana |
Pincode : | 134204 |
Area : | - |
Population : | 1605 |
Updated Population : | - |
Households : | - |
Assembly Constituency : | - |
Parliament Constituency : | - |
- Demographic
- - Total Population
- 1605
- - Male
- 823
- - Female
- 782
- - Sex Ratio - Ratio of: 1000
- 95.01
- - No. of Voters
- 1223
- - Updated Population
- 1223
- Historical
- - History of Village
- NA
- Current Panchayat
- - Sarpanch
- Vandna Bhardwaj
- - Panch
- - Ward-1
- Gurpreet Singh
- 9991678178
- - Ward-1
- - Ward-2
- Munisha Devi
- 9671651605
- - Ward-2
- - Ward-3
- Parmod Kumar
- 9817121293
- - Ward-3
- - Ward-4
- Jasvinder Kaur
- 8930863723
- - Ward-4
- - Ward-5
- Harvinder
- 7082518507
- - Ward-5
- - Ward-6
- Swati
- 9350467286
- - Ward-6
- - Ward-7
- Ashik Ali
- 8398036626
- - Ward-7
- - Ward-8
- Mangu
- 9041374064
- - Ward-8
- Old Panchayat Body
- NA
- Eminent Person
- - Eminent Person
- NA
- - Sports
- NA
- - Political
- NA
- - Govt. Services
- 20
- - Armed Forces/Freedom Fighters
- 6
- - Industrialist
- NA
- - NRI
- 5
- - Religious Sect Head
- NA
- Administrative Staff
- - Gram Sachiv
- Rajiv Ranjan
- 8168930554
- - Sarpanch
- Vandana Bhardwaj
- 9466455165
- - VLDA
- NA
- - Revenue Patwari
- Gurdev Singh
- 9467757131
- - ADO
- NA
- - Forest Ranger
- Sunil Kundu
- - Asha Worker
- Pooja Devi
- 9817433749
- - Principal
- Poonam
- 6283740530
- - Anganwadi Incharge
- Kusum
- 9466215700
- - Lineman
- NA
- - Tubewell Operator
- Amit Kumar
- 8930654726
- Kala
- 8168253909
- - Chowkidar
- Sanjeev Kumar
- 8901077840
- - JE Panchayati Raj
- Anil Singla
- 9416795567
- - JE Public Health Department
- Inderaj Panwar
- 9812205449
- - JE Irrigation
- NA
- Geography Of Kheri
- - East
- Tibbi Majra
- - West
- Block Barwala
- - North
- Dhandardu (Barwala)
- - South
- Haripur
- - Water Level
- 300 cft
- Self Help Group
- - Famous Product manufactured
- NA
- Youth Club
- NA
- Livestock
- - Majority Type of Animals
- Buffalo, Cow, Sheep, Goat
- - Variety of animal
- Indian
- Tourist Spot
- NA
- Agriculture
- Wheat, Rice, Maize, Sunflower, Vegetable
- Ponds
- - Wet
- NA
- - Dry
- NA
- Streets
- - Kacchi
- 2000 Ft
- - Pakki
- 4500 Ft
- Land
- 706-7-3
- Assets
- Gram Sachivalya
- Ramdasia Dharmshala
- Balmiki Dharmshala
- AWC-2
- Old age home
- Community Centre
- Govt Middle School
- Vet. Hospital
- Dispensary
- Buildings
- Gram Sachivalya
- Ramdasia Dharmshala
- Balmiki Dharmshala
- AWC-2
- Old age home
- Community Centre
- Govt Middle School
- Vet. Hospital
- Dispensary
- Death rituals
- - Shamshanghat
- 2
- - Kabristan
- 1
- Religious Places
- - Mandir
- Goga Madi
- Shiv Mandir
- Mata ka Mandir
- Khera Mandir
- Krishan Mandir
- Parshuram Mandir
- Lawa wala Peer Mandir
- Ravidas Mandir
- Balmiki Mandir
- - Masjid
- 1
- - Church
- NA
- - Gurudwara
- NA
- - Khera
- 1
- Layout plans
- NA
- Stadiums
- NA
- Parks
- Harbal Park
- Gyms
- Open Gym
- Library
- NA
- Mobile Towers
- NA
- BharatNet
- NA
- Substation (Electricity)
- NA
- Electricity Poles
- 120
- Industrial Infra
- NA
- Post offices
- 1
- Anganwadi
- - Anganwadi Incharge
- Kusum
- 9499109800
- - Anganwadi Code
- NA
- - Anganwadi Staff
- 4
- - Anganwadi Strength
- 4
- - Anganwadi Helper
- 2
- Primary School
- Govt. Middle School
- Secondary School
- NA
- Colleges
- NA
- Tuition Teachers
- 10
- NA
- University
- NA
- Coaching Centre
- NA
- Student Profile
- NA
- Type of Industries based on size
- NA
- Type of Industries based on domain / product
- NA
- Work force Type
- NA
- Hospitals
- NA
- Dispensaries
- NA
- NA
- NA
- Sub-health centers
- NA
- Other medical facilities
- NA
- Medical stores with Timing
- 1 (8AM to 8PM)
- Chemist shops
- 1 (8AM to 8PM)
- Educational â Colleges
- NA
- Mal-Nutritions Data
- NA
- Pregnant Women Data
- NA
- Juvenile Committees
- NA
- Banks with branches
- NA
- ATMâs
- NA
- Financial Institutions
- NA
- Non Financial Institutions
- NA
- Business Correspondents
- NA
- Old Age Pension
- 147
- Disabled Pension
- 20
- Scholarships
- NA
- Ration Card
- 254
- BPL Card
- 254
- Chirayu Card
- 788
- ESI Card
- NA
Bio Diversity
- Flora Species
- NA
Commercial / Business
- Shops
- - General Store
- 6
- - Hardware
- 1
- - Seeds
- NA
- - Grocery
- 10
- Showrooms
- NA
- Warehouses
- NA
- Cold Storage
- NA
- Courier/Postal
- NA
Supply Chain Management
- Hafed/Other
- NA
Aquifer Information
- General Information
- - Geographical area :
- NA
- - Basin/Sub basin :
- NA
- - Principal Aquifer system :
- NA
- - Major Aquifer System :
- NA
- - Normal Annual Rainfall :
- NA
- Aquifer Disposition
- - Aquifer Disposition :
- NA
- - Status of GW Exploration :
- NA
- - Aquifer Characteristics :
- NA
- - CGWB Monitoring Status :
- NA
- - GW Quality :
- NA
- - Aquifer Potential :
- NA
- Aquifer Management Plan
- - GW Management Issues :
- NA
- - GW Resource :
- NA
- - GW Stage of Development (%) :
- NA
- - Existing and Future Water Demand :
- NA
- - GW Management Plan :
- NA
- - AR & Conservation Possibilities:
- NA